Stories From Skid Row

Bobbi entered foster care at 7 due to her mother's drug use. She became pregnant at 18. With no family, she became homeless and gave her son to his grandmother while she got herself back onto her feet. She turned to drugs to numb the pain, but went to Hope Gardens Family Center to get sober and live the life her son deserves.

Direct download: urm_1104-15_Guest_Bobbi_C.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Join us for the second part of Claudia's journey. In this segment, she shares about the joy of getting back custody of her son as well as growing closer to God.

Direct download: urm_1103-15_Guest_Claudia_O_Pt_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Brother Brown's childhood instilled in him a passion to help others. In 1990, he was featured in Union Rescue Mission's newsletter for leading his parish and coworkers to donate clothing, food, Easter baskets, toys for the Christmas Store, and more to those in need. Listen to his amazing life journey.

Direct download: urm_1028-15_Guest_Brother_Brown.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Claudia experienced abuse at the hands of her mother before entering the foster system at 6. As an adult, she made poor choices that led to her losing custody of her kids. She turned to drugs to take away the pain and, eventually, she ended up on the streets. After coming to Hope Gardens Family Center, Claudia was able to overcome the pain and addiction to start her life anew.

Direct download: urm_1027-15_Guest_Claudia_O.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:48am PST

Hope Gardens Family Center guest and recent graduate Margaret tells the story of how she came to Hope Gardens. In 2013 she lost her job and became homeless. After living in her car with her two children for a month, she went to a shelter.

Direct download: urm_1021-15_Guest_Margaret_T.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:34am PST

Jada is one of our guests at Union Rescue Mission's Hope Gardens Family Center. She discusses her long journey with addiction stemming from abuse, her struggle to keep her family together, and her relationship with God.

Direct download: urm_1020-15_Guest_Jada_U.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:45pm PST

Sharron came to Skid Row with her 3 year old son who has autism to find Union Rescue Mission. Hear how she found the strength to find her way home.

Direct download: urm_1013-15_Guest_Sharron_P.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Direct download: urm_1012-15_LIVE_SHOW_R1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Christine had a job, was a mother, and was going to school when she was introduced to methamphetamine in the early 90s. After losing her children, Christine gave in to her addiction and became homeless. She decided she needed to change her life. Hear how her life transformed through the programs at Union Rescue Mission.

Direct download: urm_1007-15_Guest_Christine_W.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Mara recently graduated from our program at Hope Gardens Family Center. Mara walked with her kids from the train station to Union Rescue Mission to get help. A year later, she has overcome her addictions and her life is transformed.

Direct download: urm_1006-15_Guest_Mara_V.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:33am PST

Historian Liz Looks Back on her 24 years at URM

Direct download: urm_1001-15_URM_History_Moment_with_Liz_M.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Jeremy is a former sailor who just completed Union Rescue Mission's year-long CLDP program. 

Direct download: urm_0930-15_Guest_Jeremy_J.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Tiffany is a guest of Union Rescue Mission's Hope Gardens Family Center and graduate of the program. Tiffani shares her perspective on the program and what this transformation means for her future.

Direct download: urm_0929-15_Guest_Tiffani_W.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Myra is a resident of Hope Gardens Family Center and is a recent program graduate. Myra and her son experienced homelessness periodically for many years before finding herself at Hope Gardens Family Center. Listen to her remarkable story.

Direct download: urm_0923-15_Guest_Myra_H.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Mark is a CLDP Graduate and is now attending school with a 4.0. He shares his story and hopes for the future. Part 2 of 2.

Direct download: urm_0915-15_Guest_Mark_V_Pt_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:00am PST

Mark is a CLDP Graduate and is now attending school with a 4.0. He shares his story and hopes for the future. Part 1 of 2.

Direct download: urm_0909-15_Guest_Mark_V_Pt_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:35am PST

Guest Holly Golob Stein from Lost Angels Children's Project

Direct download: urm_0901-15_Guest_Holly_Gollob_Stein.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:59pm PST

Enrique has been a vital part of the Mission since he graduated from our CLDP Program. Hear his story on what his past was like and what the future holds!

Direct download: 03.11.15_Enrique.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:46am PST

Kristy has been a vital part of what the Mission is doing at our Hope Gardens Family Center. Listen to hear her heart on what makes her want to get up and serve those who need it the most! 

Direct download: 04.14.15__Kristy_M.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:19pm PST

Dalone, an apprentice at Union Rescue Mission, revisits his past with Reverend Andy Bales - and talks to us how he ended up spiraling into alcohol addiction. 

Direct download: 04.08.15_Dalone_McF_Pt_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:07am PST

Glynn Coleman has been busy at the Mission to help our guests get out of a cycle of homelessness - by getting them job opportunities! 

Direct download: urm_0407-15_Guest_Glynn.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST

Chaplain Jonathan Russell speaks with the Reverand Andy Bales about his experience at Union Rescue Mission!

Direct download: 02.03.15_Chaplain_Jonathan_Russell.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:20pm PST

Jenny Kerhsner, director of our brand new Maggie and Andre Ethier Learning Center shares with us how important this new addition to the Mission is to the men and women here at the Mission!

Direct download: 01.13.15_Jenny_Kerhsner_and_Robert.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:24pm PST

Hector grew up in East Los Angeles, surrounded by gangs, violence, and alcohol. His addiction to alcohol derailed his entire life, and eventually found his way to Union Rescue Mission...

Direct download: 11.05.14_Hector_Hernandez.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:54am PST

Melinda hit rock bottom and had her children taken away due to her drug addiction. She decided to get clean and found her way to Hope Gardens, and that's where her journey to recovery began! 

Direct download: 02.11.15_Melinda_Payne.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:37am PST

On this week's podcast, Reverend Andy Bales chats with Frank Sontag, host of the Frank Sontag Show on KKLA!

Direct download: urm_0303-15_Guest_Frank_Sontag.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:05pm PST

Direct download: 02.17.15_Ryan_OQuinn.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:03pm PST

A few years ago, Ruben lost his job and he fell deep into meth addiction. He ended up on the streets with his girlfriend, and their drug addiction got worse and worse. One day, they realized they needed to do something about their lives and they both entered rehab programs - and that's when Ruben came to Union Rescue Mission.

Direct download: 02.04.15_Ruben_Gutierrez.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:55pm PST

George was at the top of the world, he was a rising photographer in the LA area and strayed from the faith. Due to a series of events, he ended up at the Mission where he would find his true calling! 

Direct download: 01.27.15_Pastor_George.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:33pm PST

Sista Mary, founder of "Worthy of Love", throws birthdays parties for the children at the Mission every month!

Ever since she was in high school she has been performing as a mascot - and now she does it for our kids!

Direct download: 11.11.14_Sista_Mary.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:39pm PST

Plainly speaking, without Scott Johnson the Mission would not operate at all. He oversees the kitchen, custodial, maintenance, gift-in-kind, and transportation services at Union Rescue Mission. Listen to his story on what its like to work at the Mission!

Direct download: 10.01.14_Scott.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:36pm PST

Marley has been serving people on Skid Row her entire life, and her passion to help people experiencing homelessness led her to work at URM full-time as our Volunteer Service Coordinator! 

Direct download: 07.29.14_Marley_Penalosa.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:46pm PST

Darren, chef extraordinaire at Union Rescue Mission, is a man of faith first and cook second! His heart for the folks who come through the Mission is readily apparent from the way he interacts with them - always with love and respect! 

Direct download: 12.30.14_Darren_Evans.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:08pm PST