Stories From Skid Row

Kristy has been a vital part of what the Mission is doing at our Hope Gardens Family Center. Listen to hear her heart on what makes her want to get up and serve those who need it the most! 

Direct download: 04.14.15__Kristy_M.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:19pm PST

Dalone, an apprentice at Union Rescue Mission, revisits his past with Reverend Andy Bales - and talks to us how he ended up spiraling into alcohol addiction. 

Direct download: 04.08.15_Dalone_McF_Pt_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:07am PST

Glynn Coleman has been busy at the Mission to help our guests get out of a cycle of homelessness - by getting them job opportunities! 

Direct download: urm_0407-15_Guest_Glynn.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm PST